Highlighting Research Through Art
Autumn Mreczko is a senior coordinator in the Office of the Dean, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine.

Meet the 2021 Art of Science Judges: Autumn Mreczko

Highlighting Research Through Art

Autumn Mreczko is a first-time juror for the third annual Art of Science photography contest, which highlights cutting-edge research, scholarship and creative activity happening at FAU.

"Though many do not link the two, science and art have symbiotic relationship," she said. "After all, scientific discovery requires a considerable amount of creativity. This contest is an opportunity to highlight the beauty in scientific research while providing a rich experience for learners and an innovative way of promoting research to those not directly invested in the research community."

Mreczko, who has a master's degree in in health administration, is a former member of the research administration team in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine. Now, she is the senior coordinator of special projects in the Office of the Dean, where she implements culture-shaping initiatives, like best organization practices, to assist staff in reaching reach their full potential in the workplace.

When Mreczko is not working, she said she enjoys being creative in culinary art in the kitchen by inventing new recipes.

If you would like more information, please contact us at dorcommunications@shushijia.net.

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Enter the 2021 Art of Science

Showcasing the cutting-edge research across FAU. Open to all members of the FAU community (faculty, students, staff and postdoctoral fellows).

For more information visit woobox.com/ovw5as today.